Chapter 1: Part 2 Owls are our brothers, shavers are all others

If owls talk to each other, what kind of talk do they have? Obviously, they will talk about their life style, their system and their way of living. And keep in mind that there will be elections for such conscious birds. Whether these elections are partisan or non-partisan cannot be said with certainty. However, it can be said with certainty that if elections are held then there would be slogans in favor of the preferred candidate. Such as....

"Our owl will come in any way...."

"Our owl is the best....."

"Don't become an idiot and only vote for our owl."

"Vote it the belonging or the owl. "

"Our owl is the king, all the rest are nothing. "

"Owls are our brothers, shavers are all others. "

Apart from these election slogans, Owl's interviews will also be the adornment of newspapers in this regard. So a short owl interview is at your service....

"What are you?"

"Don't you see that I am a high quality owl...."

"Why are you an owl!"

"Because I'm not an ostrich."

"Very well.... Tell us that for how long have you been an owl?"

"I don't remember it very well but since I regained consciousness I have found myself an owl. "

"Were you made by somebody or were you already made that way?"

"By the way, I was already like that, but there was a little bit left, so I worked on it myself a little bit."

"And what will you make of the people?"

"The same as I am.... An owl."

"And do you believe that you are right....?"

"I am perfectly straight and the people won't need to straighten me."

"That is, the people will not be able to straighten their owls....?"

"Yes, of course...."

"Say whether the people will turn into owls?"

"What do you mean they will turn...?"

"If you win the election, what will you do for this country?"

"Why do I need to do something for this country. Will this country return me any favor?... By the way, my intention is that after winning, if any branch looks empty, I will put an owl on it too..."

"Sometimes you are considered wise and sometimes you are considered a symbol of stupidity. What are you?"

"I'm just an owl and I'm proud of it.... And my slogan is owls of the world let's become one and united.... Or at least be two."

"Thank you Mr. Owl.... You spoke very kindly just like owls for which I am grateful to you...."

"I am also grateful to you for honoring an owl like me. I hope you will vote for me too...."

"Yes, of course. My slogan is also that "Our owl will come in anyway"...

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