Chapter 4 Why are you in the city, Mister King

Ladies and gentlemen, Assalam o alaikum. As you know, this event is very important today. In it, special medals will be given to those brave young men who put their lives on the line and ignored the consequences and performed such deeds to save the lives of the people of this country. I think they will tell you by themselves how they performed it. So let's talk to them.

"Sir, how did you accomplish this great deed?"

"It was my duty, sir...."

"How many feats were there in total?"

"There was only one feat but it was dominent of all feats. It was so dangerous that my pulse is still beating fast and I have a mild fever."

"Which department do you belong to?"

"I belong to the Department of Wildlife Conservation."

"Excellent and what are the duties of this department?"

"On the one hand, we catch every person who has a gun and does not have a hunting license."

"And what else do you do?"

"And besides this, we help officersin hunting."

"That would be one of your duties. anything else?"

"Besides, we save the wild animals and birds that migrate to and live in Pakistan. You know that we are very fortunate to have an abundance of animals and birds in our country. We are here to reduce this excess.... I mean we want to increase it further.... And save those animals whose generation is dying out. This is an international issue. "

"Well done. So the deed you performed was definitely to save one of those beautiful animals from extinction."

"You can say that."

"Just shed some light on this story."

"We killed a very bloodthirsty man-eating leopard with the use of only fifteen or twenty bullets, inside a garage with our lives at stake."

"Very well.... so the leopard was a man-eater."

"Of course! That's when it came to the human settlement."

"I heard it was a small child."

"Yes it was but it would have turned into a bloodthirsty animal after growing up. We could see this in it's eyes"

"I also heard that it was tired, hungry and sleeping soundly in the garage."

"Of course! You said yourself that it was hungry. Obviously, when it would have woken up, what would it get to eat?.... Only humans.... "

"But.... you are in the Department of Wildlife Conservation aren't you and it was killed with your permission, so how is the protection done?"

"Haha.... there's a secret in that too. Look, it's the mother's fault. Toddlers should not be allowed out of the house, even if they are leopard cubs.... Now that we have killed it... now what will happen is that it's mother would come to the city along with the rest of her cubs to look for it and we would catch them all and protect them.... We will get a lot of leopards by killing one leopard. "

"It's a really great strategy..."

"And the landlord who is very angry at the killing of the leopard cub is completely ignorant. He said that it was harmless, it was scared to see the so many human beings together and it should have been caught and sent to the zoo so that people would see it and know how many beautiful animals Allah Almighty has created in Pakistan.... Sir, the people in the Department of Wildlife Conservation are us. We know how to protect, and that's the way it is. "

"And he was extremely dangerous?"

"Yeah! After we killed it, I put my life at stake and went closer and closer to it and believe me, my legs were shaking vigorously. And you are asking if it was dangerous."

"But it looked so pretty in the picture. It is possible that there may not be another leopard of this species. How will we tell our future generations, what different and pretty animals we used to have. "

"Haha, we've planned that out too."


"We have ordered to fill it's skin with husk.... It will no longer be dangerous, nor will it need food, and nowt I can touch it and see what it's skin is like..."

"Thank you so much! Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bravery Medal Distribution Ceremony is about to begin. All we have to say to you is don't let the little ones out of the house, even if they are leopard cub.... Thanks!"

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