Chapter 5: Harem Dream Reveal that it was Fujiyoshi Karin

After Karin went downstairs to tell everyone that she was that Harem Dream but if they know them already once she want to ask her they have shocking news about Karin having a futa cock.

Tamura: what it is, Karin?

Karin: well I got an accident but my below needs surgery

Matsuda: you mean they cut your virgin off

Karin: yes but they give me the new one

Morita: what they give me

Karin: but I need you to show them one by one inside the room

Morita: why not right here?

Yamasaki: because she is a bit shy

Morita: okay sure

When the 2nd gen member went inside her room one by one and went to Karin to close the door Morita was inside the room with Karin and she show that she had a futa cock.

Morita: so what it is you want to show me?

Karin: can you close your eye

Morita: of course

When Morita was closing her eye later Karin didn't do anything but knock out Morita and she sleep in the bedroom while she was sleeping her dream.

Morita: Karin...where are we?

Karin: you can open your eye now

Morita: can I open my eye

Karin: yes

Once Morita open her eye and she can see that Karin's body is naked and she had a futa cock below but she change her clothes that fast.

Karin: so Hikaru how did I look?

Morita: you look more like a guy part

Morita left the dream and she woke up from her sleep and sees that Karin was not there inside the room but she went downstairs and see that she wasn't there but Morita saw that Karin was outside the dorm and she follow her but went Morita see her and they have four girls are surrounding Karin.

Yamasaki: Karin I want to have sex with you please

Karin: ladies please one at the time

Kobayashi: no let me go first

Seki: that not fair I'm should go first

Harada: what no I'm first

Karin: if you do not want to go first why not we go inside the car together and have sex inside

Yamasaki: I like that idea

Harada: me too

Kobayashi: let go

Seki: but there someone is watching us

Karin: who it is, Yumiko?

Seki: Morita Hikaru...

When Karin opens the car door for them to go inside but Karin walks over to her with Seki by her side.

Morita: Seki are you feeling okay?

Seki: never better why?

Morita: you are not Seki

Karin: Yumiko grab her

Seki: as you wish master

Morita: wait...Seki let me go!!

Once Karin snap her finger and suddenly, Morita fell asleep Karin carry her and she went back inside the car full of girls and the first person to have sex is Morita Hikaru.

Inside the dream...

Meantime, Morita was inside the Harem Dream and Morita was tie-down in the bed while she saw that Karin was angry with her.

Morita: what did you want from me?

Karin: you make me very angry Hikaru!!

Morita: please don't make me pregnant?

Karin: Why do I do that to you?

Out of nowhere, Karin fucking Morita's pussy with that rough sex on her ass and finally they finish that fast and her futa cock keeps flowing inside her condom.

Morita: Karin...Karin...please kiss me

Karin: of course

When Karin and Morita were kissing and Morita was sucking her futa cock and she didn't drink the semen just she keep the flowing and by the time Karin woke Morita up from her sleep and she saw that she was inside the car with no one with her just only Karin.

Morita: wait...everyone go?

Karin: they are never here with me but expect for Yumiko

Seki: hi Morita

Morita: Seki?

Seki: yes Morita what's up?

Morita: nothing really

Karin: so could you like to do that again

Morita: of course master

Seki and Morita hugged her shoulder and they saw that Morita had changed seen she talk to Karin and she follow where Karin or Seki but the others are still sleeping inside their dorm room.