Buying Jade (1)

The Tupperware appeared in Xia ruofei's hands out of thin air!

Xia ruofei looked at the Tupperware in his hand, his face full of joy. He didn't expect that after the space had evolved, he could actually take things out directly from the space. This was much more convenient!

Then, could he directly send things into the space?

Xia ruofei immediately tried again. He still used his mind to contact the spirit map space and gave an order. The next moment, the Tupperware in her hand disappeared like the most brilliant magic.

The moment the container disappeared, Xia ruofei immediately sensed it reappearing in the medium.

Xia ruofei was like a child who had just received a new toy and kept trying.

After many experiments, Xia ruofei concluded: He could now store and withdraw items directly from the spirit map space in the outside world, but this process was also very taxing on his mental strength, much more so than directly bringing things in.