Chapter 255 - Search (1)

"Sir, what boss Hu just bought is the authentic laoyan mountain's iron - Skin maples." President Lin quickly said,"the iron - Skin maples are a very precious Chinese medicinal herb. It's a dried product made from fresh iron - Skin Dendi strips and is rich in Dendi glucose, Dendi alkali, and Dendi aminite." It has the effects of nourishing the five internal organs, anti - aging, lowering the three highs, inhibiting tumors, and so on. It's a life - saving immortal herb that many critically ill patients dream of!"

CEO Lin was very familiar with the business. Once Xia ruofei asked him, he immediately spoke with confidence and eloquence.

"Mr. Lin, is there anything special about the iron - Skin maples of laoyan mountain that can be sold at such a high price?" Xia ruofei asked again.