Chapter 293 - acquired_1

"No problem!" Du Xiaohai quickly replied. But ... The mother trees are all on the cliff, and the path up is very narrow and steep. It's not easy to walk!"

"I'm fine with it,"Xia ruofei said with a smile.

"Xia is very good," elder song said with a smile."Climbing the mountain won't be a problem!"

Hearing elder song's words, du Xiaohai quickly instructed the director of the tea Bureau beside him,"Director ye, take Mr. Xia up for a tour. Make sure to keep him safe!"

"Alright!" Director ye said immediately.

"Sorry to trouble you ..." Xia ruofei said with a smile.

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Xia ruofei followed director ye and walked down the cliff.

The Spring Festival had just ended, and it was the off - season for tourism. There were not many tourists in the scenic Area.