The beautiful County Head (2)

After he was done with the calligraphy, Xia ruofei smiled and invited Wu Liqian and Ling Qingxue to the reception area of the office to sit down. Then, he personally made tea for the two beautiful ladies.

Although Xia ruofei's office had just been tidied up, it had everything that should be there. The small refrigerator next to the coffee table even had high - quality tea leaves, black tea, green tea, and white tea. These were all prepared by Liang Weimin's people in advance.

From these details, it could be seen that Liang Weimin was very concerned about Xia ruofei's matter.

Wu Liqian took a sip of tea from her teacup and asked,""Xiao Xia, now that your farm has taken shape, do you have any plans for the future?"