The Furious Liang Haiming (2)

The answer was self - evident. Fang Luo's foolishness was the cause of the unexpected disaster that had befallen the city Fox society rats in Sanshan city.

Many people had seen what happened that night, and naturally, Liang Haiming had seen it.

Liang Haiming didn't dare to provoke Tian Huilan. However, the direct trigger of this incident was Xia ruofei, and Liang Haiming bore a deep hatred for her.

At the Kempinski Hotel in the city center.

Liang Haiming often had to travel between Beijing and Sanshan for business reasons, so he had booked a luxury suite here for a long time.

Liang Haiming was sitting on the soft leather sofa with a gloomy expression. A thin middle - aged man in his forties was standing opposite him, somewhat reserved.