Core rune_1

Xia ruofei had intended to go upstairs, but when he saw the black Mercedes - Benz return to the farm, he gave up on the idea and walked out of the villa.

This Mercedes - Benz was a congratulatory gift from Grandpa Tang He when the ribbon - cutting ceremony was held for the completion of the complex two days ago. Xia ruofei didn't like this kind of formal business style, so he used this car as the official car for the company's top management. In fact, he assigned the car to Feng Jing.

Of course, if there were important business events that required Xia ruofei's attendance, he would not mind using the car.

The road from the entrance of the farm to the complex would make a turn at the small villa.

Qin Xiaojun, who was driving, saw Xia ruofei coming out of the villa to greet him. Naturally, he stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

After the job fair, pang Hao had gone straight back to his home in the city, so Feng Jing was the only one in the back seat.