Farm expansion (2)

Xia ruofei sat down on the bed and hugged Ling Qingxue.""Did I wake you up? You should sleep a little longer! I'm going to the village to do something this morning, and I'll be back to accompany you soon. "

Ling Qingxue shook her head and said,""I still have things to do at the company! I have to go back. "

Staying over at Xia ruofei's place last night was already a huge breakthrough for Ling Qingxue. If she did not show up at the office for the whole day, she could not imagine what her father would think.

Just thinking about it made her blush, so even if she still felt exhausted, she still insisted on going back.

"Can your body take it?" Xia ruofei asked with concern.

Ling Qingxue blushed and rolled her eyes at Xia ruofei.""I'm fine ..."