Chapter 506 - hidden skill and fame (3)

Xia ruofei waved at the Veterans and left the private room.

The four unlucky ones had been taken away by the ambulance. Xia ruofei knew that the poison was not enough to kill them, but they would definitely suffer.

As for how Deputy - Mayor Xue would fly into a rage and how Hao Jue nightclub would deal with the aftermath, it was not Xia ruofei's concern.

As long as Lin Qiao was fine, he didn't care if Haojue nightclub was unlucky or not.

Besides, it was obvious that Xue Fei had a close relationship with this nightclub. Besides, this kind of place was full of filth. Xia ruofei would not feel guilty at all if he could punish them a little.

Xia ruofei went to the parking lot downstairs, opened the door, and sat in the driver's seat.

However, he was not in a hurry to drive away. Instead, he sat in his seat, took out a cigarette, and lit it. Then, he rolled down the window and began to think while smoking.