Chapter 678 - specialized in treating difficult - to - treat diseases (2)

This time, Ma Zhiming came alone. After all, this kind of thing was a little hard to say, and Tian Huixin would also feel a little embarrassed.

Xia ruofei warmly welcomed Ma Zhiming into his small villa.

After a brief introduction to Hu Zi's mother and Lin Qiao, Xia ruofei brought Ma Zhiming upstairs.

"Mr. MA, it's not a big problem. It's similar to my judgment." After Xia ruofei took Ma Zhiming's pulse seriously, he smiled and said,"don't feel any psychological pressure. You should be able to recover after taking the energy gathering pill for two weeks."

"Elemental gathering pill?" Ma Zhiming asked.

Xia ruofei smiled as he took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Ma Zhiming. He said,"This is a Traditional Chinese Medicine honey pill that I secretly made. It's more effective in treating your illness."

Ma Zhiming quickly and carefully put away the porcelain bottle. He had no doubt about Xia ruofei's words.