Revealing a small hand (2)

Song Wei's words made everyone laugh. However, everyone had a tacit understanding when they took their seats. Basically, they took their seats according to their fathers 'ranks.

After everyone had taken their seats, Song Wei smiled and introduced,""All of you here today are my good friends. I'd like to introduce you to my friend. His name is Xia ruofei. Unlike me, he's a native of the three mountains!"

Xia ruofei stood up and smiled at everyone.

He knew that those who could come today were either rich or powerful, but he was also someone who had seen big occasions. Not to mention that he was neither humble nor arrogant in front of elder song, just the children of the ministers who drank and chatted with him in the capital were the targets of these young masters and young ladies today, so he naturally did not have stage fright at all.

After introducing Xia ruofei, Song Wei started to introduce the friends she had invited to Xia ruofei.