Discussing the big plan together (1)

Xia ruofei pulled everyone back to the normal conversation track and also appropriately cooled down the young masters.

Zhao Yongjun was the oldest and the most mature of them all. At the same time, he had been in the business for many years after leaving the Army and was relatively familiar with the business world.

So Zhao Yong Jun touched his chin and said,""The amount of investment depends on how big the business we want to do. First of all, the clubhouse must be opened in the capital. With the land price in the capital, which is extremely expensive, the cost of land must be very high. And we don't want to open a clubhouse in a building like those who sell sheep's head and dog meat, so we can consider a slightly remote location. The land price outside the fourth and fifth ring roads will be much cheaper than the central area and the Embassy area."

"Agreed!" Song Rui nodded. There's no place to build a race track in the Urban area!"