Surprised and happy (1)

Song Rui had been in the southeast province for a long time, so it was not his first time coming to Egret Island. He looked at the road outside and asked in confusion,""Ruofei, where are you planning to go?"

Xia ruofei answered while driving,""Go to Heron Island University! My godsister is studying here, so godmother asked me to bring her something. I'll also take her out for dinner!"

"I know! You're Lin Qiao, right?" Song Rui said,"your sister who sacrificed her comrades!"

Xia ruofei nodded with a smile. Thinking of Lin Qiao, he had a doting look on his face.

Zhao Yongjun had never heard of this before. He was once an excellent soldier and immediately asked song Rui.

Song Rui briefly introduced Lin Qiao's family to Zhao Yongjun. Zhao Yongjun was silent for a while before he gave Xia ruofei a thumbs up and said,""Ruofei, you've done a good job in this matter!"