It makes sense to act cute (1)

The topic of the peach blossom company's annual party was on the top of the search rankings. When one clicked on the topic, it was filled with shock and envy ...

Xia ruofei couldn't count how many times the topic of paradise Corporation had been on the hot search.

When did it become so easy to get on Weibo's hot search? He made Weibo look like it was owned by his family. How could those big and small celebrities, who had spent a lot of money to hype it up just for the hot search, endure this?

Xia ruofei didn't mind the free publicity.

This kind of thing, the more the better!

He happily flipped through the Weibo posts.

The one with the highest views and comments was naturally the one that was first posted, the one that reposted the entire Banyan Tree forum.

This Weibo post was also pinned at the top of the annual meeting topic page.