All in one throw (1)

This piece of land was filled with chaotic air currents, as if it was a vast sea.

In this ocean of chaotic air currents, there was a small island that was faintly discernible in the air currents.

In these chaotic air currents, golden lights would flash from time to time, like golden fish swimming rapidly in the air current ocean.

Xia ruofei knew that this was Song Wei's spiritual power.

The "absolute beginning Heart Sutra" was a very magical technique. Although it didn't specialize in cultivating mental power, as one's cultivation level grew, one's mental power would also continue to grow.

Song Wei's current mental power cultivation had almost reached the middle stage of Spirit Movement, which was equivalent to Qi disciple Level 2, slightly behind her true Qi cultivation.

Of course, this was normal. After all, the "Scripture of the primordium origin" mainly focused on the cultivation of true Qi. Mental power was just a by - Product of this cultivation technique.