Game of interests (1)

On the way back to his office, Zhu zhihang went through the whole thing again. Zeng jianzhang and Wu Liqian didn't disclose this matter. Also, Wu Liqian reported last night that the Standing Committee would be holding a meeting today. The possibility of information being leaked from other channels was very low.

Not only did Liu haojun get the information, but he also managed to get it through his superior's connections. It would take time, which meant that the news was likely to have been leaked last night.

And it was very likely that it would appear at his segment!

The problem was simple.

Zhu zhihang had never mentioned this to anyone. He didn't even tell his wife and children when he came home last night. There was only one possibility if someone could hear this.

Thinking of this, the coldness in Zhu zhihang's eyes became even stronger.