Meeting Monica again (1)

This time, they didn't need to go to Germany for a transfer flight. The Gulfstream plane's cruising speed was faster than ordinary commercial planes, so after more than nine hours of flight, the plane entered the airspace of Turin and began to descend slowly.

Moreover, the comfort of taking a luxury business jet was naturally not comparable to that of an ordinary flight. Even the first - Class cabin was on a completely different level from a private business jet.

Xia ruofei even slept on the big bed in the luxurious bedroom in the back cabin for a short while during the journey. After he got up, he enjoyed the Western food and red wine that the flight attendant had carefully prepared. Then, he went to the cockpit to take a look. The plane had basically started to approach.

The two pilots, who had been flying in shifts for more than nine hours, were about to enter a relatively busy period again. Xia ruofei naturally returned to the cabin and fastened his seat belt.