Reaching a consensus (1)

A Pharmaceutical Group with a scale of at least a billion Yuan was only a minor problem in old man Liu's eyes.

In fact, anything that involved money was not a problem at all in the eyes of old man Liu, not to mention that the pharmaceutical Group was not the most important in the Liu family's business. Although it could produce considerable benefits every year, it was not the main direction of the Liu family's business.

Although it was a bit painful to give up directly, it was not a serious injury.

As long as he could keep his life, he wouldn't even frown if he had to cut off a part of the Liu family's main business, let alone a Pharmaceutical Group.

What he was more concerned about was not these economic matters.

Xia ruofei thought for a while and said tentatively,""Elder Liu, you and Grandpa song are old comrades and have known each other for so many years. Before coming here, Grandpa song has been trying to persuade me to treat you as much as I can ..."