
Xia ruofei used the same method as he did in the Basoko training camp. First, he cleared the sentries at the high vantage points as they had the best view. With them around, he would not be able to move freely in the camp.

At first, it was indeed very smooth. After Xia ruofei carefully avoided the mobile sentries, he did not spend much effort to remove the sentries at the highest points.

The next thing to deal with was the mobile sentries.

In the camp of the modr mercenary group, there were two teams of mobile sentries patrolling, and their patrol routes crossed each other.

After Xia ruofei had chosen a secluded spot, he hid in the shadows and waited for the five - man mobile sentries to pass by. Then, he suddenly charged out and used a few conventional combat moves to make the mobile sentries lose their ability to move in just one or two seconds.