First goal in La Liga_1

The higher - ups of the peach blossom company sat in front of the television with a dumbfounded expression. There were also fans among the employees of the peach blossom company who stayed up late to watch the game. When they saw Xia ruofei, they were completely stunned at first. When they came back to their senses, their first reaction was similar to Dong Yun 's. They hurriedly picked up their phones and called their friends.

Who cared what time it was at this time?

Soon, the work WeChat groups of peach blossom company became more and more lively. At this time, it was still dark outside the window, the darkest time before dawn.

The Internet in China was also bustling with activity.

The number of posts on Weibo, Tieba, and forums was rising, and the traffic was rising rapidly. The curve was very steep, and it soon even exceeded the traffic during the prime time at night.