The reunion of master and disciple (1)

The three of them alighted from the flying boat. Xia ruofei immediately kept the flying boat.

Song Wei and Ling Qingxue couldn't help but be amazed when they saw the 20 - meter - long flying boat shrink to an inch.

The three of them chatted and laughed as they walked towards the manor's entrance.

In reality, with Xia ruofei's abilities, he could easily bring Song Wei and Ling Qingxue into the manor on his flying sword.

However, out of respect for the host, Xia ruofei would definitely not do that.

"Ruofei, this should be considered illegal entry, right?" Song Wei suddenly asked with a smile.

Xia ruofei was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said,""Oh yeah! Then you guys have to be careful, if you get caught you'll be sent back to your country!"

Song Wei and Ling Qingxue burst into laughter.