Successfully employed (2)

When Chen Xuan found out that he had already entered the interview round, he did not appear particularly excited. He did not know that it was not easy to find a job these days. For someone with a resume like his to be able to enter the interview round, it was like a pie falling from the sky.

He politely made an appointment with HR and hung up the phone.

Then, he took out a spiritual crystal, sat cross - legged on the bed, and began to cultivate.

What Chen Xuan couldn't get used to the most was naturally the environment of the secular world.

The three mountains was already known as a Garden City. As the provincial capital, its forest coverage rate was ranked among the top in the country, but this still could not improve the cultivation environment. The spiritual Qi here was barren, heterogeneous, and violent, and only four hours a day could be used for cultivation.