Tower of Trials "second floor_1

Although the two puppets were more powerful than Xia ruofei, Xia ruofei was riding a flying sword while they were chasing him on the ground. Naturally, they could not catch up with him.

The two golems bellowed in rage, and soon, the other golems were alerted as well. Besides, Xia ruofei did not hide his tracks on purpose this time, so the puppets soon discovered him.

In a short while, a long tail was following behind Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei could see through the vision of the perceptual mirror that there were many intermediate and advanced Aurous core puppets behind him. The weaker puppets had all been slaughtered by him. He could not help but feel a little scared.

Fortunately, through the perceptual mirror, he also knew that he had completed the mission of the first level of the Tower of Trials. The passage to the second level had been opened. As long as he rushed over, he could enter the second level, and these puppets would naturally be unable to do anything to him.