A Swift victory (2)

As if they had a life of their own, these black lights found their targets as soon as they appeared. Their speed suddenly increased a bit, and they directly attacked the star beasts who were temporarily blind.

Puchi, Puchi sounds rang out continuously, and in an instant, the twenty - one star beasts were all struck by the black light.

Immediately, the array was lit up with flames. These Majestic Star beasts were in a very sorry state.

They had also come to the end of their lives. After a while, the last star Beast also stopped wailing. It retreated a few times and then completely stopped breathing.

Xia ruofei didn't need to check if the astral beast was Dead or Alive because he could see through the vision of the perceptual mirror that his mission progress had been updated to 37/100.

It was 16/100 just now, but now it was 37/100, which meant that he had killed another 21 star beasts.