Breaking the record (1)

Xia ruofei stood still on the steps and took a few deep breaths. Then, he silently circulated the "great Dao Sutra". Soon, the boiling energy in his body was suppressed and slowly calmed down.

Now that he had walked less than twenty steps, he was relatively relaxed.

Xia ruofei was able to move freely on the steps. He could even turn his head to look back. He was about three meters above the ground, about the height of a floor. The steps behind him extended to the ground, but Ling Qingxue was no longer in the square.

Previously, when Xia ruofei was challenging the levels, he would only let Ling Qingxue temporarily hide in the spirit map space unless the situation was extremely dangerous. Otherwise, Ling Qingxue would always be behind him. Even though she could not provide any substantial help, it was a great encouragement to him.