Cultivation on the immortal Island (1)

Xia ruofei stayed at the three mountains for two days. On the evening of the third day, he gathered Song Wei, Ling Qingxue, and Zheng Yongshou at the jiangbin villa district.

The matters here were almost settled, mainly regarding the peach blossom company. With Zheng Yongshou in charge of some specific matters, Xia ruofei could focus more on cultivation.

The Spring Festival would be in half a month. Xia ruofei decided to head to the Paradise Island today and cultivate in peace. He would bring everyone back to the three mountains a day or two before the new year.

After having dinner at the jiangbin villa, Xia ruofei and the others went to the balcony on the top floor of the villa in the dark.

Xia ruofei took out the black Phoenix flying ship and activated the concealment talisman. Then, he threw the Flying Ship out. The black Phoenix flying ship rapidly expanded in everyone's line of sight. However, ordinary people were completely unable to detect its existence.