Firmly controlled_2

For them, the only difficulty was the bottleneck of the Aurous core stage.

Of course, compared to Li Yifu, it would be easier for Song Wei and Ling Qingxue to break through to the Golden core stage.

After all, the two of them were much younger than Li Yifu, and the resources they received were also better than Li Yifu 's. Not to mention other things, just the fact that their spiritual power realm had advanced by leaps and bounds by relying on the Topaz essence alone could greatly reduce the difficulty of their cultivation and breakthrough.

Song Wei nodded and said,"we have to work hard!" We have to return to the three mountains before the Spring Festival. Even if we can't break through to refined Qi level 8 before we leave the peach source Island, we should at least touch the bottleneck!"

"Mm! Then for the next week, we'll increase our joint cultivation time by an hour every day!" Ling Qingxue said.