Treating and saving people (2)

The Galini family was known for their ruthless methods.

Of course, Paradise Farm was not worth mentioning to Tang He's huge industry. He didn't have to personally make a trip to the farm. If Liang Qichao wasn't Xia ruofei's friend and the junior that he admired the most, he probably wouldn't even send a medical team.

Xia ruofei chuckled."Mr. Tang, you don't have to worry about safety. I'm very safe in Australia. I won't leave until I settle the matter at Paradise Farm."

After saying this, Xia ruofei didn't wait for Tang He to persuade him again and immediately continued,""Mr. Tang, I'm calling you this time mainly to discuss brother Liang's treatment."

Tang He could not help but sigh and said,""I'm also very concerned about Qi Chao's situation. The medical team reports to me in written emails every day about the treatment, but it doesn't look very good now! I'm afraid Lil Chao won't be able to keep his legs. I don't even know how to explain this to Weimin and his wife!"