Another battle with the spirit body (2)

However, Xia ruofei didn't act immediately. He just stood quietly in front of the realm stone.

In fact, Xia ruofei's brain was spinning at full speed.

This was because these array patterns weren't stationary. Instead, after every change in the array pattern, the location of the transfer would change.

In other words, where the cultivator would be teleported to would depend on the timing of the world stone.

Xia ruofei had been waiting for this moment.

He stared at the brilliant array pattern in front of him and used his brain power to do a lot of complicated calculations.

After a few minutes, Xia ruofei finally found the right time. Then, without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and pressed on the realm stone.

The array pattern trembled slightly, and the teleportation function of the array was activated.