First Contact With the Imperial Court of the Cultivation World

[Age 21, the Qin Family is busy building a permanent residence, while you are happily looking for a deserted island with abundant spiritual energy. Perhaps because of the sudden burst of luck, you actually found a strange place, which is located in the deep sea!]

Qin Jiao, who had activated the 'Water Avoidance Art', could breathe freely in the water, like a flexible fish.

At this moment, her eyes were wide open as she stared in front of her with a shocked expression.

She saw a giant bronze door standing on the dimly lit underwater rock mountain!

The ancient and imposing bronze door was embedded in the underwater rock mountain that was covered in corals and barnacles.

Occasionally, a few sea fishes would swim past the bronze door. There were some imprints on the giant bronze door, but they seemed to have been imprinted with mottled marks due to the passage of time.