Calculating the Reward! Human Tool Number 3 in Position (1)

"The Emperor of the Great Wei has passed away?!"

The sudden news caught Qin Jiao off guard.

In her impression...

The Emperor of the Great Wei was at least a Nascent Soul cultivator, right?

A Nascent Soul Immortal cultivator had passed away just like that?

Qi deviation? Was this a Mental Demon?

Qin Jiao suddenly understood the true purpose of the mastermind. Their goal was to let the Great Wei Emperor have a Mental Demon in his heart, so as to achieve their goal of dealing with him!


Qin Jiao could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. Such a method was really unheard of.

This meant...

The mastermind knew the Great Wei Emperor very well, and knew that he cared about his family the most.

He knew that once he touched the Emperor's family, the Emperor's state of mind would be damaged.

So much so that... Mental Demons were born!