Three Human Tools Enter the Simulator at the Same Time! (3)

Chen Qianxue woke up from a muddle-headed state. She was no longer unfamiliar with this feeling.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a group of people rushing in.

She took a closer look.

There were a few imperial physicians who looked very old, as well as some palace maids who looked anxious.

There was also a Chen Fengyin who was wearing a dragon robe.

In reality, only 12 hours had passed, and she had met these people again.

It had to be said that this feeling was very strange.

Fortunately, she was used to it.

[Age 12, your soul has transmigrated into the body of Princess Chang Ning of the Great Wei Dynasty. As one of the most beloved princesses of the Great Wei Emperor, Chen Fengyin, you have a lot of privileges in the Great Wei Dynasty.]

[Age 15, you once again copied the last simulation of Immortal cultivation and warned Chen Fengyin in advance that there were some treacherous people in the Great Wei.]