Crown Prince of Great Wei! Danger! (3)

[As for where he got the news of the Crown Prince's location? That was naturally the Jindan stage secret guard that Fu Shuangni planted in the demon sect of the Great Yu Dynasty. He had already spread the news of the Crown Prince's location among the demon cultivators.]

[After Fu Shuangni got the news, she immediately used a Communication Talisman to send the news to Chen Qianxue.] 

[After Chen Qianxue received this news, she immediately reported it to the Great Wei Emperor, Chen Fengyin.]

"What? A Soul Formation stage demon? A demon from ancient times? He entered the Great Wei Dynasty?"

After Chen Fengyin received this news, even the Emperor could not suppress the shock in his heart.

"Chang Ning, is this all from your dream that can predict the future?" He could not help but ask, "Did you dream of... any other scenes?"