Bottleneck! The Upper Limit of the Realm of the Bloodline! (3)


'I have to get rid of one of them first. It's impossible for me to be a match for the two of them combined. to think that I can deal with two Heaven's Favorite who are on par with me by myself, that's obviously wishful thinking.'

'Moreover, I have to make a big fuss and lure that Nascent Soul cultivator over! The two people in front of me are both stronger than me. My only way to survive is for that Nascent Soul cultivator to make a move and stop the conflict between me and them!'

With this thought in mind, a small flying sword instantly pierced through the air, dragging a streak of mystic light behind the plane.

At first glance, it was as if only a streak of light could be seen flashing past!

His attack was aimed at Chen Qianxue!

At such a critical moment, Qin Jiao actually did not take the initiative to make a move and block this attack.

There was still a hint of an interested smile on her face.