Chapter 80: Xing Jing Lei's Talent

The next day, Fang You opened his eyes.

It was a white ceiling.

He stretched out his hand, and his cell phone flew into his grasp from a short distance away. Skimming through the screen with practiced ease, he saw it was a quarter past four. Then he opened the Salvation Game, glanced at it a few times, and felt bored.

Awake, it was time to train.

Oh, how diligent he was.

Truly commendable.

After washing up, Fang You headed to the training ground, hmm, Training Ground Two.

Training Ground One was already in use by others at that time.

Black Blade and Ming Deng the Mage.

They were practicing blade slashing.

Fang You entered Training Ground Two, closed the big door behind him, and continued to explore the usage of Heaven's Net Hand.

The maximum range of the Invisible Hand was about thirty meters, but the most suitable range for use was within fifteen meters. At this distance, the energy consumption was very small, and it could be used for extended periods.