Chapter 318: Wielding the Power of the World! (7K)

The moonlight was like blood, spilling onto the earth.

A sudden gust of hurricane winds swept through the battlefield north of Shui Ze base city, howling as they blotted out the sky, tossing grass and bending tree branches, causing windowpanes to rattle violently.

A gray haze descended over the entire battlefield.

Thicker than fog, it carried countless bits of earth and vegetation, like gray serpentine dragons dancing in the sky.

The wild wind, tornadoes, and...


From a distance, a silvery wind flashed briefly, and a six-story makeshift building was subtly sliced as if by a sharp blade cutting through tofu, shearing through trees, cutting a slanting line from the rooftop terrace down to the fourth floor on the west side. That corner of the building slowly slid off, eventually crashing to the ground with a thud that kicked up a cloud of dust, swept up into the sky by the raging winds.

"What... just happened?!"

Many of the elites from Oasis stood with blank stares.