Chapter 417: Relic Discovery and Skill Fusion

"Who would do such a laborious and thankless task of eradicating the source of disaster? Besides, in the entirety of the Shattered Sea Great Domain, apart from us four overlords, who else has the power?"

The combined army of the four overlords assembled nervously, and concluded hastly.

After returning to Oasis, it seemed as if the divine beings were still somewhat confused.

But upon closer consideration, it indeed made no sense for the source of disaster to be eradicated by someone else. Eradicating the source of disaster not only required special exploration instruments and weapons that could break the rules, but also meant facing strong opponents from the Evil God's camp.

The entire process was not only costly in terms of money, but also involved risking one's life, and all for what? Just a few parts of the Mysterious Evil and a bunch of useless contaminated God Crystals.