Chapter 431 Conditions of the Eightfold Awareness

Flame Torch Academy, the dormitory area was bright with lights inside and out.

Compared to the residences these students from noble backgrounds were used to, the dormitories seemed rather small, but the students dared not underestimate these dorms.

The few dozen square meters of these prospective students' dorms contained unimaginable technological power, with epic artifacts such as hidden tracks, barrier tracks, and rejuvenation tracks on display. Furthermore, the dormitory area was planted with plenty of the epic-level plant "Heart-Awakening Grass," known for its strong mind-clearing and calming effects.

These were just the tip of the iceberg in terms of amenities, and the students were well aware that the magical abilities of the dormitories went far beyond what was visible. Most notably, no matter how exhausted they were from training the day before, after a night's sleep here, they would wake up feeling completely revitalized.