Dark clouds hung oppressively low, the faintest of daylight barely visible. Outside the city, continuous roars of fury shook the dust from the walls in a fine shower.
Disastrous tides had arrived and persisted for a week.
In this week, the Fallen Star Domain had not seen the rise of a second high-ranking Mysterious Evil, but the spread of disaster was still slowly intensifying.
Blood-hued skylight shrouded the land.
Endless shadows engulfed the land.
The breath of desire pervaded the land.
The 'model worker' Yiluo Xi destroyed the sources of disaster time and again, yet could not halt the gradually deepening influence of calamity.
Fortunately, in facing the disaster's impacts, the resilience was proven to be experienced.
"The Blood-hued Skylight not only makes the Mysterious Evil increasingly ferocious and rapidly healing, but also incites a bloodthirst in the warriors, hence, sufficient tranquil mind potions must be distributed to the soldiers defending the city."