There Was A Mysterious Senior

Chu Xuan raised his eyebrows. As expected, the cultivation benchmark of top-notch geniuses of the 100-year Emperor realm, the 1,000-year Supreme realm, and the 10,000-year Heaven realm were based on normal circumstances.

There were always special circumstances where unique individuals surpassed the cultivation speed of these top-notch geniuses.

Ren Changhe continued, "Some old monsters, for various reasons or under special circumstances, reincarnated using secret techniques. Due to the accumulation and comprehension of their previous lives, it was not impossible for them to recover their Heaven realm cultivation in 1,000 years."

Chu Xuan thought about Qin Keyun. She had cultivated to the half-emperor realm within such a short period of time by relying on the accumulation and comprehension of her previous life.

It could be said that, before the Emperor realm, as long as there were enough resources, the path of cultivation was a smooth one.