No Woman In My Heart, Alchemy Is My God

Chu Xuan paid close attention to Wang Luo's situation. As the fated person of an entire region, he should be able to endure this tiny bit of hardship, right?

Whether or not he could obtain the system's cultivation boost reward depended on whether Wang Luo could subdue and refine the Heavenly Void Fire.

Once he subdued and refined the Heavenly Void Fire, Wang Luo's strength would soar, and it was likely that his cultivation would directly break through to the next major realm.

He might even break through from the sixth level of the profound realm to the sixth level of the spirit realm.

If he broke through so quickly and refined the Heavenly Void Fire, the system's reward should be quite generous, right?

Chu Xuan's thoughts were occupied by the potential reward momentarily, after which he glanced at Ding Yue and muttered in his heart, 'Should I get a peerless fierce sword and let him try and subdue it?'