Nothing Left After Transcending

"Amitabha. Almsgiver, you know that you have committed a grave sin and are willing to put down your butcher's knife and transcend. Your merit will be boundless!"

Mo Luantian placed the small demonic beast on the ground and pressed his palms together.


He then struck out with his palm. Vast Buddhist power surged and instantly destroyed the city lord's body.

Only the city Lord's stunned soul remained.

"Baldy, didn't you say that you wouldn't kill me?"

The city lord roared in fear and anger.

His soul was about to escape when an alms bowl enveloped his soul and sucked it in.

"Benefactor, when did this penniless monk kill you? Destroying your sinful body allows you to transcend. Just wait for this penniless monk to purify your soul and convert you to Buddhism!"

If the city lord's soul could vomit blood, it would definitely vomit three liters of blood at this moment!

This was the so-called transcending?
