Good Luck Charm

Chu Xuan entered a period of bitter cultivation, constantly comprehending the Stable Dao principles, and his strength increased rapidly.

However, he still needed some time to accumulate a sturdy cultivation foundation before he could break through to the Dao realm.

His comprehension was sufficient, but his accumulation was not enough.

Every day, as per usual, he took out the Dao-seeking Mirror and searched for Dao realm experts or supreme treasures or treasured lands related to the Great Dao.

Everyone in the Great Dao Communication Group was familiar with each other, so it was not very interesting there.

If one wanted to create an active chat group, they would need to bring people from all over, Dao realm experts from the different races. Only then would it be interesting.

Chu Xuan sighed. As the group leader, he had gone through a lot of trouble to put together this group chat.