Becoming More And More Stable

Chu Xuan had full access to the information and plans of the various factions in the Northern Zone, and he knew quite a bit about their secret plans.

For example, there was an evil commander in the evil imperial court who was actually a spy for the Great Qian Dynasty.

More accurately, he was a person from the Great Qian Dynasty who cultivated evil techniques.

Another example was an elder from the Nine Swords Mountain who was a spy for the Great Qian Palace.

Another deacon from the Heavenly Cauldron Mountain was a spy from the Floating Flower Pavilion.

All of the major factions had placed chess pieces and sent spies into their competitors' ranks.

Even within the Great Qin Dynasty, there was a high-ranking official who was a spy for the Great Qian Dynasty.

There was even an elder from the Qin royal family who was a traitor.