Ghostly Possession

Chu Xuan took out the Chaos Dao Mirror and began to search for Dao realm experts.

There were still relatively few members in the Great Dao Communication Group. It would be more lively if there were more people.

When the group became lively, the Origin Dao Crystal would obtain more Dao aura and transform faster.

The system's reward suddenly arrived.

"The little evil king, who entered your lucky mystic realm by mistake, has broken through to the Emperor realm. You have been rewarded with a cluster of Dao aura."


Chu Xuan was stunned. He had almost forgotten about the little evil king. This guy had broken through to the Emperor realm?

With his cultivation speed, there was now hope for him to take revenge.

Moreover, the system did not reward him with a cultivation boost, but a cluster of Dao aura?

A cluster of Dao aura was not considered a small amount.