They Each Had Their Own Methods

Chu Xuan took out the Heaven-spying Mirror and checked on the current situation inside the Asura Ancient Land.

In the image projection, there were battles everywhere.

Some remnant souls in the Asura Ancient Land had also started to become active.

Chu Xuan saw that You'er and Chu Pingfan were transforming remnant souls into the ghosts, and even refining some of them into pure soul power.

'Not bad, not bad. The ghost race was going to grow stronger again.'

There were plenty of remnant souls in the Asura Ancient Land. At this rate, You'er would soon have an army of the ghosts.

Chu Xuan then checked on Ding Yue and the others. They were all heading toward the depths of the Asura Ancient Land.

Wang Luo kept on fighting with the Emperor Realm experts of the Wang family. Even though he was besieged, he was easily fending them off. The Wang family was in despair.