Ten Million Buddhists

Chu Xuan did not have time to bother with Ren Changhe and Qin Ying. At this moment, he was completely focused on the Heavenly Dao Talisman's fusion with the five regions' fate treasures.

Once the fate treasures were fused with the Heavenly Dao Talisman, then the Heavenly Dao Talisman would have the ability to control a portion of the five regions' fate.

This would speed up the implementation of the Heavenly Dao Talisman Plan in the Northern Zone. The Southern Region was just a starting point.

It was like a drop of ink dripping into a basin of water. It would gradually spread and cover the entire basin.

Of course, without the assistance of external forces or special methods, the Heavenly Dao laws would take a long time to replace the Northern Zone's laws of Heaven and Earth and, later on, the entire nine zones.