The Arrival Of The Blood Fiends

Chu Xuan did not pay too much attention to the actions of his disciples, but focused more on the progress of the Heavenly Dao Talisman plan.

As long as the core plan was not messed up, Chu Xuan did not have to pay attention to the other minor details.

Moreover, he believed in Hei Yue's ability.

Hei Yue had been able to develop the Black Moon Tower into a major force in the Northern Zone. From this, it could be seen that her ability was extraordinary. Moreover, her background was equally as extraordinary as well as her breadth of knowledge.

She was ambitious, and had the ability to back it up.

In terms of determination, Hei Yue did not lose out to anyone.

She had suffered a lot since birth, and had been forced to stifle and control her emotions. 

Finally, the last bit of the core laws of Heaven and Earth of the Central Region of the Northern Zone were devoured by the Heavenly Dao laws.